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Sunday, March 3, 2024

Zechariah 14- Refreshed

 ”On that day living water will flow out from Jerusalem, half of it toward the eastern sea and the other half toward the western sea, in summer and winter alike. On that day the Lord will become King over the whole earth  — the Lord alone, and his name alone.“

‭‭Zechariah‬ ‭14‬:‭8‬-‭9‬ ‭CSB‬‬

Read Context

This is imagery of the future when the Lord returns and establishes His kingdom.  He will reign from Jerusalem and the water here depicts life giving quality of His rule.  He is the sustainer of life to humanity, just like water is to plants.  

We all know what plants do if they don’t get enough water, they wilt, then get flimsy and later start to dry out and become fragile…then finally are broken to pieces and die.  Our souls are the same way with God…we start to feel weak and without strength to do normal activities. Then we dry out and feel numb to even remember His presence. Finally we are fragile and broken, so that even a strong wind of trial will shatter us.

Lord, thank you for dwelling inside me, and giving me your Word to drink in daily.  Thank You for sharing Your presence with me and helping me to see Your guiding!  Allow me to feel the refreshment of Your delight as I follow You in obedience.

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