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Thursday, March 28, 2024

Psalm 21- Dependable Love

 ”Lord, the king finds joy in your strength. How greatly he rejoices in your victory! 

For the king relies on the Lord; through the faithful love of the Most High he is not shaken.“

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭21‬:‭1‬, ‭7‬ ‭CSB‬‬

Read Context

This was also written by King David, talking about himself as king.  He clearly is delighted by Gods strength and abilities, rather than the things he has accomplished. He finds joy in Gods strength, Gods triumph and Gods love…the last phrase is what stands out to me.  David has extreme confidence in Gods faithful love.

David feels unshakable because of Gods love for him.  It strikes me that David could be confident in his own wealth, or his incredible fortress or the strength of his army or the number of people who love him and think he is awesome…but he knows all too well that these things can vanish in an instant!  But Gods faithful love can never be taken, it never changes, nor fades.  He could, and in fact does eventually, lose all those other things…but Gods love is constant!

Lord, open my eye to see where I am trusting in anything other than you.  Allow me to find great joy in the work you are doing rather than in what I have done.  My efforts are unreliable and mean nothing in comparison to Your unchanging faithful love for me!  Help me to see your victories and be delighted in You!  My salvation is the greatest victory You have accomplished in my life.

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