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Monday, January 29, 2024

Jonah 2- Only God Saves

 ”As my life was fading away, I remembered the Lord, and my prayer came to you, to your holy temple. but as for me, I will sacrifice to you with a voice of thanksgiving. I will fulfill what I have vowed. Salvation belongs to the Lord.“

‭‭Jonah‬ ‭2‬:‭7‬, ‭9‬ ‭CSB‬‬

Read Context

Once the sailors understand that Jonah is the reason for the ferocious storm, they throw Jonah overboard…and Jonah is drowning.  In his last moments of life Jonah thinks about God, who he is running away from.  It is as if everything becomes clear in a moment, he knows that God can save him.

Jonah prays to God, remembers that God wants us to be thankful and declares…only God can save me!  The very One he was avoiding, the One Jonah was running away from, the One who gave him explicit instructions that Jonah was rejecting…the only One who could save him.

It’s a shame that Jonah has to be on deaths door to see things clearly.  God, help me to be clear headed about You at all times.  I know that I can be stubborn, but give me wisdom to look only to You, to nothing else!  Help me to live in thankfulness to You so that I don’t think about myself too much. Help me to bring my family to You, after all, You are the only one who can save!

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