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Saturday, January 20, 2024

Amos 3- Knowing God

 ”I have known only you out of all the clans of the earth; therefore, I will punish you for all your iniquities. If a ram’s horn is blown in a city, aren’t people afraid? If a disaster occurs in a city, hasn’t the Lord done it?“

‭‭Amos‬ ‭3‬:‭2‬, ‭6‬ ‭CSB‬‬

Read Context 

Prior to Jesus sacrifice of dying on the cross in our place, the agreement that God had with His people was that if they lived according to His ways they would be blessed, or else they would suffer punishment.  They had to live with the consequences of their actions.  God would use disaster and even Israel’s enemy’s to punish them.

I find this an interesting statement from God: “I have known only you”… This is a statement of intimacy, a declaration of intentionality to draw near to Israel, an unworthy group of people.  Although God only holds our punishment against us now if we have NOT trusted Jesus, he does still seek to know us individually.  He desires relationship with me personally…that blows me away…the God who created everything, controls all things and yet still has time to want to know me intimately.

Lord, help me to remember this really is who You are. Remind me that knowing You is the most joyous task on my list every day.  Since that is true, help me to live as if it were true and the most important thing.

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