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Thursday, January 4, 2024

Hosea 4- Following Him

 ”They sacrifice on the mountaintops, and they burn offerings on the hills, and under oaks, poplars, and terebinths, because their shade is pleasant...“

‭‭Hosea‬ ‭4‬:‭13‬ ‭CSB‬‬

I love the beauty of nature, the peace and sense of smallness.  This entire passage is about doing what feels good, what feeds our desires and is short term delightful.  Those are the things I naturally want to do because it’s easy, and gives me a quick sense of happiness.  God what you know is the end result of this short term pleasure seeking is destruction.

Thank you for the warnings, I know you want joy, peace and delight to be my experience. I also know that only comes long term from knowing You!  God, give me the wisdom to follow you and reject the fleeting pleasures of sin.  Make my delight be in knowing You more.  May this be obvious to the people closest to me so that they can follow you and experience your peace, joy and comfort even in the middle of challenging circumstances!

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