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Monday, January 13, 2025

Job 35-37, Beauty & Chaos

 “My heart  pounds at this and leaps from my chest.  Just listen to his thunderous voice and the rumbling that comes from his mouth. He lets it loose beneath the entire sky; his lightning to the ends  of the earth. Then there comes a roaring sound; God thunders with his majestic voice. He does not restrain the lightning when his rumbling voice is heard. God thunders wondrously with his voice; he does great things that we cannot comprehend.”

‭‭Job‬ ‭37‬:‭1‬-‭5‬ ‭CSB‬‬

Read Context

There is a reason that thunderstorms bring awe from deep within us, it is a display of power, chaos and beauty!  None of which can we control… Gods fingerprints in that storm remind us that we are small and insignificant in comparison to all that God is doing.  Yet, He also cares about every detail of our life…we don’t deserve that level of care, but He gives it graciously!

Lord, help me to live in awe of You!  Allow my heart to remember Your faithfulness when the chaos of life is overwhelming.  Remind me that You are bigger than any problem and more powerful than my circumstances!

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