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Thursday, January 30, 2025

Exodus 1-3, Mundane Contentment

 “Then the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire within a bush.  As Moses looked, he saw that the bush was on fire but was not consumed. So Moses thought, “I must go over and look at this remarkable sight. Why isn’t the bush burning up? ” When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called out to him from the bush, “Moses, Moses! ” “Here I am,” he answered.”

‭‭Exodus‬ ‭3‬:‭2‬-‭4‬ ‭CSB‬‬

Read Context

I love that God makes Himself known to Moses.  He is going about his normal work, God shows up and gives him an assignment.  I often feel like I need to be intently looking for what God wants me to do so that I don’t miss it.  I am often worried that I have missed what God was telling me to do, because I “just” have my family to love well, my work to do well and my ministry to serve well…all while being surrendered to Jesus!  Doing these things well is contentment.

Lord, help me to stay content with serving You in the normal parts of life.  Help me not to strive for my unhealthy desire to achieve or succeed to feed my identity or pride!

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