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Thursday, November 28, 2024

John 13:21-30, Weaving w/ Failures

 “When Jesus had said this, he was troubled in his spirit and testified, “Truly I tell you, one of you will betray me.” 

After Judas ate the piece of bread, Satan entered him. So Jesus told him, “What you’re doing, do quickly.””

‭‭John‬ ‭13‬:‭21‬, ‭27‬ ‭CSB‬‬

Read Context

It is interesting that Jesus knew that Judas would betray Him to the people who wanted to kill Him, yet He didn’t stop him.  It was all part of the plan for Jesus sacrifice for our sin.  But is that how God deals with us as well?  When He knows we are headed into sin, he doesn’t force us to stop, but rather allows us to do what we have decided…I think that this is true!

What is even better and more exciting is that God uses even our sinful choices as part of our story that ultimately brings God glory!  Jesus was ultimately glorified BECAUSE he died on the cross…

I am so excited to see how God will be glorified in my story, despite all the stupid, sinful things I have done/will do.  Lord, I pray there are fewer and fewer of my failure that You need to weave with, but help me to glorify You!

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