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Thursday, February 8, 2024

Nahum 1- God Fights for Us

 ”The Lord is good, a stronghold in a day of distress; he cares for those who take refuge in him. But he will completely destroy your enemy with an overwhelming flood, and he will chase his enemies into darkness. 

Look to the mountains — the feet of the herald, who proclaims peace. Celebrate your festivals, Judah; fulfill your vows. For the wicked one will never again march through you; he will be entirely wiped out.“

‭‭Nahum‬ ‭1‬:‭7‬-‭8‬, ‭15‬ ‭CSB‬‬

Read Context

Nahum has a slightly easier message to Gods people:  God will destroy your enemy and you will never have to worry about them again.  Turn to God when things are tough and He will permanently crush our enemy!

Thankfully, we don’t have physical enemies anymore, our neighbors are pretty safe.  Ephesians reminds us that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces and even our own sinful desires.  Thankfully God is the same God who promised to completely destroy our enemy…that is what I long for!  Complete destruction of the temptation I face!

Not every temptation or battle has been eliminated, but many have!  It is so much easier to walk with Jesus today than it was even a year ago.  He is faithful to remove my sin, and help me hate the things that used to be such a draw.  He is a faithful God, worthy of my praise and worship!

Lord, help me to cast my weakness in front of You so that you can fight for me.  Remind me of Your ability to completely heal my desires and destroy my sin.  Let me trust in Your ability, not my own!

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