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Thursday, February 1, 2024

Micah 1- Known Yet Loved

 ”Listen, all you peoples; pay attention, earth and everyone in it! The Lord God will be a witness against you, the Lord, from his holy temple. Look, the Lord is leaving his place and coming down to trample the heights of the earth.“

‭‭Micah‬ ‭1‬:‭2‬-‭3‬ ‭CSB‬‬

Read Context

God sees us, understands our thoughts and motives, hears everything we say…He is the only one who is able to perfectly know us.  And here, Micah gets a message from God telling His people that He Himself will be the witness against us.  We can sometimes hide things from those around us, so it may not be too intimidating for our friend to be on the witness stand.  But God knows and comprehends everything, nothing is hidden from Him!

What I can’t help but find reassuring about this passage is that God doesn’t judge us from far away in heaven…but rather, because He knows us perfectly and that we have no hope of being innocent, He comes down to live with us.  First He sent Jesus to die in our place for all of those things He knows about us, physically experiencing all that we have to endure.  Then, when we trust Jesus He sends the Spirit to live inside us!  What kind of a God knows all of our worst, yet stills says, “can I move in with you?”

God, help me to live trusting You!  All of this is true, so remind me every day of Your love for me.  Keep these truths in the front of my eyes so that I don’t forget…the love you give is incomprehensible !!!

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