“Tell the people: Consecrate yourselves in readiness for tomorrow, and you will eat meat because you wept in the Lord’s hearing, ‘Who will feed us meat? We were better off in Egypt.’ The Lord will give you meat and you will eat.
But Moses replied, “I’m in the middle of a people with six hundred thousand foot soldiers, yet you say, ‘I will give them meat, and they will eat for a month.’
The Lord answered Moses, “Is the Lord’s arm weak? , Now you will see whether or not what I have promised will happen to you.”
Numbers 11:18, 21, 23 CSB
Everyone was complaining against God…asking for more than they were given and God responds by providing superabundantly in an impossible way. This was also a tragic moment, because the complainers died after seeing Gods provision and even Moses didn’t believe God could follow through on His promise.
When do I view God as incapable or unable? What an insult, a slap in the face to the One who created the universe, planned salvation and has always provided abundantly for my every need! Lord, strengthen my faith to never doubt Your ability to accomplish Your will. Your arm is not weak, but powerful. Your Sovereignty is over every detail and You personally weave every scenario to perfectly accomplish what is best for us all. Help me to never doubt your power or love for me!!!
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