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Monday, May 6, 2024

Psalm 60- Battle for Us

 “Save with your right hand, and answer me, so that those you love may be rescued. Give us aid against the foe, for human help is worthless. With God we will perform valiantly; he will trample our foes.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭60‬:‭5‬, ‭11‬-‭12‬ ‭CSB‬‬

Read Context

David was at war and felt that God was holding back.  David recognizes that it truly is God which is needed to help.  Anything less would just drag out the suffering…

Today I don’t have physical enemies but I do face this battle spiritually.  Daily I am faced with temptation that I am at war with…it may just be laziness or even fighting against performance to define my value.  Those seem silly because they are the opposite ends of the same spectrum, but the battle is real, and I must depend on God to bring me through with the healthy mindset.  We all face similar challenges that can only be overcome by God!

Lord help me to turn to you as soon as I recognize the fight is starting.  Allow me to recognize it early and not waste time fighting in my strength…it is just wasted energy because nothing can stand before You! We are so blessed to have your strength, power and support at every moment of every day!  Thank You for loving me!

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