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Saturday, April 20, 2024

Psalm 44- Gods Story

 ”God, we have heard with our ears — our ancestors have told us — the work you accomplished in their days, in days long ago: In order to plant them, you displaced the nations by your hand; in order to settle them, you brought disaster on the peoples. For they did not take the land by their sword — their arm did not bring them victory — but by your right hand, your arm, and the light of your face, because you were favorable toward them. You are my King, my God, who ordains victories for Jacob.“

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭44‬:‭1‬-‭4‬ ‭CSB‬‬

Read Context

This psalm is all about Gods people’s frustration that He is not taking care of them like they expect.  They are in a tough spot and feel like God should be doing something to help them.  So here is how they start: remembering all the work He has done in the past…giving God credit for every past victory.

I was impacted by this first section because the pull for me is so strong to want to do something great for the Lord.  After only three weeks in a slower paced job I am chomping at the bit to do more.  My temptation is to think that God made me to do more, to feel like I should be using all the skills He gave me to do something amazing!  That idea is so praised in my culture and I value it highly.  When I read this today the portions in italics were shouting to me.  Read it again:

”God, we have heard with our ears — our ancestors have told us — the work you accomplished in their days, in days long ago: In order to plant them, you displaced the nations by your hand; in order to settle them, you brought disaster on the peoples. For they did not take the land by their sword — their arm did not bring them victory — but by your right hand, your arm, and the light of your face, because you were favorable toward them. You are my King, my God, who ordains victories for Jacob.“

All of the “You’s” in there are talking about God…I don’t see any the talked about them (or me)…God was doing all the amazing things!

Lord, help me to rest in You and be a player in Your story.  It really is about You, and You have brought me in to be Your tool.  Allow me to play a part in bringing You glory, but use me in whatever way is best to honor You.  I’ll be waiting here for you to call me into whatever that may be…and I bet You won’t use my strength, but rather my weakness.

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